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In the last post, we talked about the different tactics organizations can use to connect with their target audience in a public relations or marketing campaign. Today, we are going to look at how to implement these tactics.
“This is where the rubber meets the road, and you see all your hard work come to fruition” (Rogers, 2012).
When considering which tactics to implement, you must think back to your primary and secondary research. Consider how people perceive the organization and its' environment. Think about the organization’s key publics. How do they communicate? What platforms do they use the most? After all, these tactics are “activities or actions an organization takes to shape the public perception of its brand” (Indeed Editorial Team, 2022). Make sure these tactics will help reach the target audiences and contribute to the positive attitude you want them to have of your brand.
After considering this information, you must think about how you’re going to package this information. You can package these tactics a few ways (Smith, 2021, p.410):
Media category (interpersonal communication, earned media, owned media, shared media, and paid media)
Once you figure out how you are going to present these tactics, you must reconsider each tactic. Make sure every tactic included can be linked back to a specific public, goal, or objective (Smith, 202, p.415). This makes it easier for your client or organization to see how those tactics are beneficial to the campaign and working towards the overall goal.
After you make sure the tactics are working together effectively, you must determine the schedule of when these tactics will be implemented. Some may be implemented more than once over the course of the campaign. For example, if one of your tactics is to use a television advertisement, the ad may show multiple times to be reinforce that message to the target audience. You will need to consider this and put that in your schedule.
After scheduling, the next step in implementation is the budget. You must consider how much each tactic will cost. This includes personnel, materials, media costs, equipment, facilities, and administrative items (Smith, 2021, p.421). Obviously, each tactic won’t need all of these things. However, it is essential you consider everything you will be purchasing for each tactic. Below is an example of a chart for a company's public relations budget.

Photo by ReferralRock.com
Indeed Editorial Team. (2022). 10 Great Public Relations Tactics You Can Use To Boost Sales. Indeed. https://www.indeed.com/career-advice/career-development/pr-tactics
Rogers, M. (2012). Work it Out: Implementation in Public Relations. Aubia Communications. https://aubiacommunications.com/work-it-out-implementation-in-public-relations/
Smith, R.D. (2021). Strategic planning for public relations (6th Ed.). Routledge.